Deep Thoughts #24
Deep Thoughts is a bimonthly animated series brought to life by the animators at Animation.Monks. It's a creative outlet, an opportunity to experiment with new styles and techniques, and just a way to have some fun!
This edition is...
/nju bɪgɪnɪŋz/
plural noun
Something that is new has been recently created, built, or invented or is in the process of being
created, built, or invented. [...]
2. The beginning of an event or process is the first part of it. [...]
Here’s my animation contribution

Shout out to everyone who joined the project
Hiroaki Takayanagi, Niek Pronk, Maya Perotti, Javier Delestal, Agustin Sanchez, Taranveer Singh, Michiel Schellekens, Maria Cabrera, Mohit Khatri, Omar Szkarlatiuk, Rika Guite, Agustín Ibarlucía, Diwakar Chary
Carlos Agustín del Río Carrizo